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In the universe of Alan Decker's Star Traks (and its spinoffs), misfits of the Federation find themselves serving on the Secondprize, Explorer, and Banshee, or are shuffled off to Waystation at the edge of explored space. The Traks parodies follow the age-old tradition of military organizations to build omega squads and then fill them with square pegs and other inconveniences.

The Borg PR department would like all species to believe that the Borg are different...there is no such thing as an imperfect drone. The four thousand members of Exploratory-class Cube #347 (and three thousand upon Lugger-class Cube #238) would beg to differ. Forever sent on low-priority tasks, the imperfectly assimilated of the Borg empire weave their way through space, trying to become closer to the One...and failing miserably.

Greetings! Are you lost? Have you peeked in on the site on the off-chance something may have changed since August 2024? Be glad you did; and be glad Life has allowed the author to finally finish and post the most recent story: Double Deal. Vaerz is paying a visit to Cube #347, bringing with him many gifts, including to the sub-collective itself. Naturally, this gift will come with at least one, if not more, strings. Also, Second schedules himself a dirty poker game, inviting Talon Spanner Rooberg to participate.

The next story will be posted...sometime. Maybe on a Tuesday. Thursday? Most likely a Sunday. Probably.

In regards to other projects, the most recent story refurb is BorgSpace Book 1: A Fish Story. All parts of the book have been polished and returned to their original niche, shiney and new-ish. They have also been zipped into archives and a new eBook added to the Archives and eBooks page. Of especial note, since "A Fish Story" did not have a poster available to be appropriated into an eBook cover, such has been rectified. The new cover - very stylish, let me tell you, in a cut-paste-and-layer-stack sort of way - is also viewable in the BorgSpace gallery, in the event you don't want to download the eBook.

Also in the larger to-do list are more in the "Assimilations, Take II" series, of which there are partial drafts in the works. I may, perhaps, even try to fix other broken and semi-broken bits around this page; and hunt down the timelines page boo-boo.

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Page last assimilated on 1/26/25

Legal stuff: Remember...Star Trek is trademarked and owned by Paramount Global. The Star Traks parodies are the brainchild of Alan Decker. This page is meant for entertainment purposes only. Do not read while driving or operating heavy machinery. Copyright 1998-2025.