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In the universe of Alan Decker's Star Traks (and its spinoffs), misfits of the Federation find themselves serving on the Secondprize, Explorer, and Banshee, or are shuffled off to Waystation at the edge of explored space. The Traks parodies follow the age-old tradition of military organizations to build omega squads and then fill them with square pegs and other inconveniences.

The Borg PR department would like all species to believe that the Borg are different...there is no such thing as an imperfect drone. The four thousand members of Exploratory-class Cube #347 (and three thousand upon Lugger-class Cube #238) would beg to differ. Forever sent on low-priority tasks, the imperfectly assimilated of the Borg empire weave their way through space, trying to become closer to the One...and failing miserably.

The concept of "posting schedule" continues to be irrelevant. On the other hand, posting does sometimes success! The most recent Season 10 story to be completed is Trickster. It is an Alliance holiday, a day of food and games and fun. Needless to say, the Cube #347 sub-collective (mostly) doesn't approve of such an inefficient waste of time. And, of course, with every party there is always a party crasher.

On the other hand, also as promised, Season 10 of BorgSpace is officially kicked off with And Here We Go Again. If you haven't read "Invocation of the Birds", I strongly suggest you wander over to the Books page and do so...things will make much more sense given that the Season 10 follows the adventures of the Cube #347 sub-collective after having been temporally resurrected over 50,000 years in the future following their epic deaths. With this first story, Cube #347 is off on their first trek into the new unknown, accompanied by their new bestest of best friends in the Alliance Mission.

Exciting news! Archived series are in the process of being converted into eBook format! While the goal is that with each Season 10 story update another archive will be added to the new Archives and eBooks page, such may not necessarily occur. At any rate, while it may take a time to complete the entire BorgSpace catalogue, it will (eventually) be complete. There is a bit of a learning curve at the moment, so if you download an eBook and it doesn't quite look right, or just doesn't work, please provide feedback via the Star Traks forum on Facebook. I may even see your post on the once-every-so-often schedule I interact with social media.

Also in the larger to-do list are more in the "Assimilations, Take II" series, of which there are partial drafts in the works. I may, perhaps, even try to fix other broken and semi-broken bits around this page; and hunt down the timelines page boo-boo.

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Page last assimilated on 5/4/24

Legal stuff: Remember...Star Trek is trademarked and owned by Paramount Global. The Star Traks parodies are the brainchild of Alan Decker. This page is meant for entertainment purposes only. Do not read while driving or operating heavy machinery. Copyright 1998-2024.