
Welcome to the art gallery. If you wish to add to its empty walls, please ask M. Meneks before filling her e-mail box with large files. If you just want to look around, go ahead. Most of the authors's experimenting has been with Shockwave Flash movies. All movies are Shockwave Flash movies unless otherwise noted, and include the file size. You will need a relatively recent version of Shockwave to view them. There are also a few other, non-Flash items here as well.

Cube #347 Technical Manual (970 Kb)

Teaser for Dark Rising, next BorgSpace book (290 Kb)

Title Sequence for Star Traks: BorgSpace (1.9 Mb)
Large file size, but worth it

Title Sequence for Star Traks: Nexus (170 Kb)

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Click here for larger view

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Thumbnail Images

Click on one of the following thumbnail images for a larger view

The Board Room
by M. Meneks

by M. Meneks

by M. Meneks

G'floo! Poster
by M. Meneks


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