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Season Nine

While searching a mothballed Borg research facility for much needed supplies, the Cube #347 sub-collective comes across something much worse than dark lighting or low-budget horror movie rejects: Boogers.

What's Cooking?
The hologram Frank and Weapons' alternate personality Ghydin are trying to solve a mystery: why is the entire crew of Cube #347 unconscious? And what does a flora-dominated planet have to do with it?

Encounter at Ambush Alley
Remember that other imperfect Borg cube? Lugger-class Cube #238? Good, because Cube #347 still has a shopping list to finish filling.

DIY Surgery
Doctor has received an important message, prompting him to make a housecall. Now comes the tough decision: should he return to Cube #347?

Antique Roadshow
Cube #347 has been robbed! While most of the items taken were junk, among the few jewels was the holocrystal housing Frank and the map. Now the sub-collective must somehow find all their stolen items lest their quest be pronounced dead.

They Came From Beyond, Part I
The Borgy from the Happyverse have arrived into the Unhappyverse to seek out Cube #347 and deliver a very important message: beware the HappyBots!

They Came From Beyond, Part II
The HappyBots are on a quest to create all flavors of lollipops and prepare the Unhappyverse for a new Happy Evil Dictator, except first they need to take revenge upon Cube #347 for spoiling said Dictator's nefarious Happyverse plans. Will the Borgy be of any help to Cube #347's survival? And will Bo do anything except sip tea and eat biscuits?

So You Don't Want To Be A Borg?
The game show "So You Don't Want To Be A Borg?", featuring the long-time hologram host Zyriana, is trying out a new venue...Cube #347. The contestants, all ex-Color (or ex-Borg), are not entirely enthused. Still, the show must go on! Especially where ratings are concerned!

Golden Orb Disco
It's time for a party! And it is widely acclaimed that the Bug purveyors of the Golden Orb Disco is the place to party...if you are a Bug, anyway. So, what happens when Cube #347 accidentally comes upon this once-in-a-decade bash? Well, Bugs just a'wanna be assimilated....

Fast Forward
On the hunt for the next entry on the ingredient list, Cube #347 runs into a small snag when the item is abruptly made extinct. The only solution is to use time travel. Nothing ever goes wrong when one invokes time travel!

Teatime of the Living Dead
Zombies! What else more can be said? While it is a little extreme to say that a plaque of zombies overruns Cube #347, they definitely cause a ruckus in Weapons' latest BorgCraft scenario. Braaaaaaaaains.

Silence of the Dogs, Part I
Like that annoying neighbor who cannot take a hint, Luplup is back! Will this be the final time the vyst shows her pointy snout? Will she /finally/ die? And how is Peach, a most devious Color, planning to complicate everything?

Silence of the Dogs, Part II
All the (un)usual suspects are aboard. Now it is time for Cube #347 to confront Luplup by jumping out of the frying pan and into the Flame Nebula.

Silence of the Dogs, Part III
Luplup and Cube #347 face-off for the final match! Only one will emerge alive! Who will win a battle between a single Exploratory-class cube and almost three Battle-classes? And how does Peach figure? And...and...and...and how much more exciting punctuation can be inserted here?!?!?!?

The Collective is Very Busy, too busy, in fact, to allot the time to complete Supply Depot #761. However, an experiment in outsourcing the work is underway. Seeing an opportunity, Delta and a select number of her hierarchy are playing at being contractors for the dangerous purpose of stealing as much as booty as can be loaded onto a shuttle-bus.

Formula 419
Cube #347 receives a letter promising Everything, including omega altered used warp nacelle plasma (crystalline condensate). However, there are a few strings attached....

Great To G'floo! You
Cube #347 has found the location of their next ingredient - black G'floo! Unfortunately, gaining it rests on the addled head of 2 of 20, (mostly) ex-G'floo! addict and not-quite-right in the cortical processors.

Choose Your Own Adventure
Picking one of 82 of 203's "Choose Your Own Adventure" books, Assimilation finds himself transported elsewhere. Now it is up to him to make the correct decisions to save not only himself, but the galaxy. Thinking means effort...poor galaxy.

Traveling from Point A to Point B is never so difficult as when there is a wee bit of trench warfare in your way.

The Revolution Will Be Televised
Cube #347 must steal one of the final ingredients of the elixar from Unimatrix 004. Needless to say, if the Collective discovers that a certain "Green" karaoke salescube is not what it seems, there will be fireworks of the lethal kind. Tune in for the 6 o'clock news for details!

Finis Coronat Opus
The season (and series) finale! Years of plot arcs will be untangled and (most) loose ends tied up. Featuring Directors, Critics, Auditors, the Borg Queen, a macroverse superstring, the Color Peach, EMH Frank, a gas giant, Option A and Option B, braaaains, phasic armor, and a monstrous hunter-seeker. Oh, and Cube #347 and its imperfect sub-collective may be present as well. At least for a little while.... Just remember, the ends justifies the means.

Season Nine complete

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