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Season Two

A Speeding Cube Gathers No Stardust
Take one beta version of a Borg modified quantum slip-stream drive, add one Exploratory-class Cube #347, toss in a few not-quite-unexpected ingredients, and shake (don't stir). While the plot may sound suspiciously familiar, hopefully the ride won't be too bumpy.

Jovian Dust
Drug manufacturers from the future go the past to use the past (more specifically, Cube #347), to hide out on while making drugs for the future. Confused yet? Good.

Please State the Nature of the Medical Emergency
Adverse consequences of the slip-stream ride are making themselves known. The solution? Doctor (Borg), Frank (hologram), and Thorny (vegetable).

In the Glow Of Glory, Only One Shall Remain
May it be known as soccer, football, Jhad-ball, or something else, there will always be a game of glory, of honor, of bodies flailing at each other while trying to move a ball from one end of a field to the other. Let Super Jhad-ball LXII begin!

Brotherly Love
Weapons a priest of the Brotherhood of Galactic Love? Something just doesn't seem right, and this isn't an alternate universe. Finally, an examination of the history of a very violent personality.

Bringing Up Baby
A malfunctioning maturation chamber originally from Cargo-class Cube #522 has decanted...something. The creature from the Alien movies could grab some paper and take a few notes. Will the crew of Cube #347 be able to stop the rogue drone?

We Are Q
Q is bored...not the original Q, but a Q nonetheless; and that spells trouble no matter how one looks at it. And the method Q chooses to relieve her boredom? Cube #347; more specifically, Second. Guest stars: crew of Voyager. Special guest star: Amanda Miley, 1000th BorgSpace visitor, as Q.

Dog Days of Summer
Luplup is back, and there is only one thing on her Vyst mind: revenge!

Let Sleeping Borg Lie, Part I
In Season 1, Cube #347 visited the past. This time, the sub-collective was put to sleep by the Command...only to wake up 500 years later. What the heck is going on?

Let Sleeping Borg Lie, Part II
"Let Sleeping Borg Lie" continues, and a plot seems to be emerging! Hooray! What will be the outcome between the fight between _Hercules_ and Cube #347? Will Cube #347 ever figure out the reason behind the Command? And what about those rubber ducks, anyway?

Let Sleeping Borg Lie, Part III
Part III is the last installment of the mid-season multipart story. Really. A Conspiracy is in the works, one which will alter the future of the galaxy, and Cube #347, as always, is clueless. Perhaps this is a good thing. Float on, rubber duck, float on.

Drag Queen
Look out Donahue, Oprah, Jerry Springer, Howard Stern, and Leno! The modern masters can't hold a candle to The Zyrian Hour! As with media of this particular genre, some scenes may not be suitable for all viewers, and the guarantee of tastelessness is absolute.

The Latest Fad
Genetic fads and private zoological collections are an on-going rage. And half of Delta has been collected.

Of Jabberwock, Jubjub Birds, and Bandersnatch
Finally, subunit #522 is featured in a story all its own. There is a mystery to solve as the imperfectly assimilated drones of Cube #347 are vanishing, and seem unaware of the situation.

The Crimson Red One and the Cube - A Fairy Tale
The Red Dwarf has taken a wrong turn somewhere (not unusual) and ended up in an odd universe complete with cube-shaped ships and things called Borg.

I Feel Good!
Normally depressed Assimilation has been shot up with happy juice. Will the cube ever be the same?

Me, Myself, and I
39 of 42 is new drone in the cube, a rude awakening to assimilation imperfection after five years of being One.

Sensory Overload
It is up to Sensors to lead the cube out of a trap. Will everyone keep their sanity as they are subjected to grid hallucinations?

Director's Cut
Have the journeys of Cube #347 all been a farce, a dream produced by the mentally unstable brain of the one who believes himself Captain?

Season Two complete

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