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Season Ten

Note: Read the BorgSpace stories in whatever order you like, but the chronological placement of Season 10 will make greater sense if you read the book "Invocation of the Birds" first

And Here We Go Again
As the title says, when one has already died and been resurrected (at least) once, it all gets a bit repetitive from there. Only this time, it is the far-flung future and there is no Borg Collective to do the thinking for Cube #347.

It is a special Alliance holiday! And, of course, uninvited guests will be stopping by!

Digging Up Trouble
When an opportunity arises to salvage a historical ship from the Troubles, it comes with more than just ancient dust.

Double Deal
Conspiracies abound when Vaerz visits Cube #347, inclusive a gift for the sub-collective. It could be a mystery fit for a Jumba the Wise Lizard novel. Or maybe not.

Season 10 in progress. Most recent story posted 1/26/2025.

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