Borg, Romulan, and other Star Trek related terms belong Paramount Pictures Anything related to Star Traks belongs to Alan Decker Anything related to Star Traks: BorgSpace belongs to Maija Meneks The QuickSilver Sevens, and all things related belong to the author of this story, Anna Will, who can be reached at email address Star Traks: BorgSpace "The Longest Week Ever" Exploratory Class Cube #347 sedately motored it's way through space in high warp. Nothing interesting had happened for weeks, so when the cube's sensors detected the presence of a class 53b storm, the distraction was most welcome. Class 53b storms were not considered hazardous, just extremely rare. Described best as being somewhere between an actual storm and a nebula, class 53b storms were unmoving, and most didn't last long -- a day or two maximum. Cube #347 was lucky to stumble upon one, but there was something of even more interest inside the storm itself. After dropping out of warp, the massive cube came to a halt near the edge of the storm. Unexpectedly, the cube's sensor grid began to detect the presence of a small ship. {What information can you give on the ship?} inquired Captain, studying the small vessel on his viewscreen, hoping against hope that it belonged to Species #8511. As usual, his hopes didn't last long. {The ship is of Federation origin. Highly damaged. Much of the technology on board is of Species #73.} {Expand} {Shields, weapons, sensors, and warp engines are definitely of Species #73 manufacture. There is also evidence of both cloaking technology and quantum slip-stream drive. All systems are down or damaged except for life support.} {Are there any life forms on board the vessel?} {Yes,} came the reply, {Sensors detects thirteen lifeforms. Six humans, three members of Species #73, one Romulan, and three non-humanoids. Sensors must also add that even though shields are down, a scattering field is in operation which would make beaming most difficult.} {Is it possible to hail them?} {Sensors says no. The ships communication systems are damaged, it is unlikely they would receive anything through the interference the storm is causing.} The ship was vaguely disk-shaped, with two warp nacelles closely fitted to the hull on either side. Words stenciled in black letters on the shimmering, almost-lavender hull, read: QuickSilver Sevens-C2-48851 ANGELIC TROUBLE. A quick check revealed the Borg had encountered this ship before. Several times. The QuickSilver Sevens were a team of "storm chasers". The ship in question was the second of two ships. Ship #2 was the vessel sent out to collect data, ship #1 (which was nowhere within sensor range) was built to analyze it. The two ships were capable of connecting to form a single vessel. They had also proven themselves to be most capable of escaping the Borg. They had always managed to outrun or hide. The seemingly invincible QS7's ship was now dead in the water, trapped inside one of the storms the team made a living studying. {Suggestions?} called Captain through the nets. The reply was the usual; flee (trap), destroy, or assimilate. The majority was for the third option, which even the Greater Consciousness agreed with, so there was really no choice in the matter. Consensus formed, Cube #347 moved into the storm. "They're coming after us!?" Ronnie, Captain of Chaser 2, exclaimed. "Headed right for us," Flynn answered, shaking his head, "There's no way they could miss us, we're right in their path." "At least the scattering field wasn't damaged." Ronnie brushed a stray lock of rust-red hair from her eyes, then muttered, "We oughtta start working the Beta Quadrant. No Borg over there." Raotah heard her. "That may be a good idea -- if we make it out of this. The scattering field will do us little good. How odd..." he frowned at his console. "What?" Ronnie looked at the Romulan inquisitively. "The cube powered up weapons, but then powered them down again just as quickly. Now they seem to have changed their mind, and are preparing to tractor us." "Odd indeed. Don't worry, we'll pull out of this somehow," Ronnie, as well as everyone else on Chaser 2, could only watch helplessly as the cube drew closer. /Somehow,/ she repeated to herself, /somehow.../. "Blithe, any suggestions?" "None." The Zal'Tahkan, and former Borg, was frowning deeply, "Although there is something about that cube's drone complement...." "What?" "I can't say for certain, something just isn't right about them," Blithe shook her head, still frowning. "Is it at all possible they can detect you?" "I don't think so, since I would have a weak signature. The storm, and maybe even our scattering field could be concealing my presence. It is likely their signal is able to get through since their signatures are stronger." "And unified as one mind?" Annie Owain added "That is part of what is bothering me," Blithe shook her head again, why wasn't she able to place this feeling? "They don't seem quite as one as they should. I dunno, maybe the storm is messing with my perceptions of them." {Release my command codes!}, Weapons demanded. {Behave,} Captain scolded, {that ships weapon and propulsion systems have been fried. They are not going anywhere, and are in no condition to offer much resistance.} {Could be a QS7's trap. Can't be too sure.} Captain returned the codes with one final admonishment. Except for finding the storm and the Chaser, nothing all that out of the ordinary had happened. Yet. {Delta, prepare to tractor the ship into Bulk Cargo Hold #1.} {Ready.} {Do it.} "They've locked four tractor beams onto us and are pulling us in." Leerah reported from her station. The fairly young Zal'Tahkan/Moytite hybrid looked over her shoulder towards the captain. Ronnie shook her head while staring at the cube which now had a hold of them, "They couldn't just use one? We're not going anywhere. They paranoid or something?" "We have tricked them so many times, they probably think were trying to fool them again. I do not blame them," Raotah commented. "You certainly have a point there." Leerah looked up again, "They are tractoring us into one of their cargo holds." "This is it guys. Let's just hope the scattering field doesn't fail." "And that they don't slice us up with their cutting beams," Raotah added grimly. {The ship has been tractored successfully,} reported Delta. Captain sent the codes to move the cube out of the storm. As the cube began to "back" out, sensor readings suddenly went crazy. Bolts of electricity shot from the clouds, slamming hard into Cube #347, causing the ship to rock violently. Just about every drone not secured in his/her alcove was thrown downward. Doctor was suddenly flooded with maintenance requests. To make matters worse, something in the storm was now obscuring the cube's link with the Greater Consciousness. Then it was over, just a quickly as it had begun. "What the Hell happened?" Captain wondered out loud as he pulled himself from the deck. {Sensors, you said the storm was not dangerous!} {Our engines triggered an unknown reaction in the storm. Sensors is surprised this instability was not detected before. Sensors must report that there is now an energy field encompassing this cube. We are stuck.} {Delta?} {Minor damage to transporter and communication systems. Shields and weapons are off-line. Main transwarp and warp cores are down.} Delta fumed, {And Sensors is correct, we are unable to move from our current position, just as we are unable to contact the Greater Consciousness. The QuickSilver Sevens ship was probably caught in the same way.} "What happened?" Ronnie called as she picked herself up off the floor for only the second time that day. "Our friends out there are caught up in this damn storm just the same as we were." Leerah gave a short, quick nod, "Serves them right." "Serves them right," Ronnie repeated quietly, then looked to each person on the bridge in turn. By now everyone on the ship had gathered there. The regular seven of the Chaser 2 crew was there, plus one member of Chaser 1, and two children and two dogs. The kids, Thea Everett and Joe Uppred, weren't normally present. They had only wanted to see their elders at work -- a field-trip for them, work for the "elders". If anyone had predicted the storm's effects, the children would have been left on Chaser 1. Ronnie looked at Thea and Joe, who were sitting in one corner quietly, taking everything in. /All the more reason to find some way out of this,/ she thought then turned to everyone assembled on the bridge. "Does any..." to her surprise, someone cut her off mid-word. " have suggestions?" Raotah finished Ronnie's sentence, "Yes, that would have to be me." "What do you have in mind?" Ronnie said, sounding hopeful. "I heard of a similar phenomenon happening to another ship, do not ask me where or what ship, I do not remember. Anyway, this ship had a quantum slip-stream drive, like ours. They used it to disperse the field. I have tested it out in our computer. It will work...." "There's a 'but' in there somewhere, I can tell it by your voice," Annie spoke up. Raotah took a deep breath, "But, our drive is useless. Repairing it is out of the question -- there is not enough left of our engines to fix. But Chaser 1 is undamaged, all we need to do is contact them." The smile that began to creep across Ronnie's face was genuine, "Our communications systems are too beaten up to reach that far in this storm, but /Borg/ technology would the trick...." "Bargain with the Devil," Flynn was smiling now. Annie agreed with a nod, "This could work." Captain was about to hail the ship inside the cargo hold when something unexpected happened; it hailed first. He accepted, and the person hailing appeared on his viewscreen. The woman -- a Terran in her late 40's to mid 50's, with slightly-graying hair the color of rust and dark brown eyes -- was known to the Collective. "This is Veronica Kirsten Blair, Captain of QuickSilver Seven's Chaser 2. We would like to make you a deal." Captain sent the ship the stereotypical image of catwalks accompanied by the Borg multivoice. "We are the Borg. Deal is irrelevant. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." Captain Blair looked upward for a moment with a slight chuckle, "/How/ did I know you'd say that. We have no information to give on this storm. Trust me, if we had been able to hail you, I would have warned you away. We know how to get out. Your ship's communications systems reach farther than ours, right?" "That is correct." "Okay, my engineer has told me the field surrounding your cube can be dispersed through the use of a quantum slip-stream drive. And we know you do not have one. We have -- or at least /used to/ have -- a quantum slip-stream drive aboard this ship. It has been completely fried, as you probably know. However, Chaser 1 shares a similar drive, which would be undamaged." "State your proposal," Captain, along with the other drones on the cube, was intrigued. "Help us contact Chaser 1. They will be able to use their drive to disperse the field. In return, you will allow us to rejoin the rest of our team, and let us go on our way. Free and unassimilated." An uncomfortable silence followed Ronnie's last statement. A few of the Chaser crew began to look at each other nervously. The two dogs, Lissa and Boomer, seemed to have the same reaction, moving from where they had been quietly observing the events of the last several hours. The two trotted over to where Thea and Joe sat on the floor, standing in front of the two children in a guarding fashion. Ronnie signaled Annie to cut audio, and turned to the crew. "Hope they agree, if not..." "We are in deep trouble," Blithe suddenly chimed in. Ronnie nodded, "Yes, although that isn't exactly how I would have phrased it." The multivoice returned, "We will accept your proposal only if you give us all of your navigation charts in addition to all data you have collected on the storm. We also require any information you can give on the species known as Jharin." "Annie, compile the information they want, and send it to them. Restore audio." Blithe turned back to the viewscreen, "The first parts we can do. On the third, we have never heard of anyone called 'Jharin'. Sorry. If we have a deal then I suppose you probably would like to hear how we plan on dispersing the field?" "Yes," the collective voice boomed. "You're up, Rao", Ronnie stepped out of range of the viewscreen, allowing the Romulan engineer to take the spotlight. An hour later, the damaged systems on the cube had been repaired, but the link with the Greater Consciousness still could not be re-established. Bulk Cargo Hold #1 was bustling with activity. The Chaser 2 crew had emerged from their ship to begin repairing as much as possible. The small ship had taken on worse damage than the cube. The majority of the beings in Bulk Cargo Hold #1 would have been readily identified via the Collective's records from past encounters had it not been for the energy field. The team was colorful, to say the least. Captain Veronica Blair, the oldest of the team, directed the repair effort with striking efficiency. Romulan Engineer Raotah assisted her. A young woman who looked to be sixteen (the youngest person on the chaser team) -- so far simply called Annie -- was working on repairing the various pock-marks and craters in the small ship's hull. Two human children of about 6-7 years a had been seen; a young girl with long, curly blond hair, and a boy with brown hair had been seen once. Two canines were outside the ship, bringing requested tools and spare parts to those doing repairs. Two as-yet unnamed humans working on getting the warp engines back on-line had been seen visually inspecting the warp nacelles. On another level, Guorroh Isailah -- a Zal'Tahkan -- was working with the Borg through his computer on finding a comm frequency that would reach through the storm. It had been decided that the Crew of Chaser 2 would send the message, since the Borg contacting them would only serve to make those on Chaser 1 suspicious of a trap. From what had been seen of Guorroh, he was a typical specimen of species #73. He had the primary hair color of golden yellow, with second and third colors of deep green and purple. Second and third colors were in the form of one streak of each at either temple. His eyes matched his primary hair color perfectly. Species #73 had eyes of one solid color, with no visible pupil or iris. Even though colors varied greatly from one individual to the next, pattern never changed. Guorroh was estimated to be somewhere in his late sixties by standard years, although he looked significantly younger -- another thing normal for his species, standard life-expectancy was anywhere from 200-300 years. It was also revealed that one of the three chaser crewmembers labeled as species #73 was only half as such. The sub-collective had gotten a good look at the individual known as Leerah Norland when she had temporarily taken over Captain Blair's duties. Instead, she was a species #73/#2553 blend. She had short hair which had the color pattern of #2553; in this case blue with a round silver patch on the top of her head. Her eyes were consistent for species #73, blue matching the primary hair color. Darker-than-normal (although not by much) skin, thin lips, and slightly-pointed teeth further accented the blend. After the scattering field was deactivated, though, something unusual began to register in the minds of those onboard the cube. An extremely faint mental signature, soon pinpointed as being the member of species #73 which had yet to be seen. The sub-collective began to look through information called up before their link to the Greater Consciousness was lost. Species #73 had originated from a planet deep within BorgSpace. The Zal'Tahka had remained on their homeworld for almost a year after being completely surrounded by the Borg. After continuous harassment, the Zal'Tahka had presumably relocated to a planet somewhere deep in the Beta Quadrant. Nothing had been heard from the species in over a thousand years. The species had the rather disturbing ability to relocate their higher consciousness to an area of their brains which assimilation was still unable to touch. Consequently they were able to avoid being assimilated. Only at times when the ability was disabled could assimilation commence. To date only five had been added to the collective, two of which were now disconnected. Apparently, one of the two disconnected was now onboard the cube. Aside from the supposed former drone, the only other being originally detected that was still unseen was one of the three non-sentients. Captain made a note to watch the sensor readings to make sure the three animals stayed where they were, and that no unauthorized drones entered the cargo hold. It was unlikely Doctor could get hold of either of the two canines since the pets were actively helping in the repair effort. However, the third non-humanoid was a more likely target, if it were to wander outside the ship. The sub-collective had been doing their best to conceal the truth from the QS7's. So far it seemed to be working, but it was very likely that the owner of the faint mental signature would be able to hear them as well. If he/she caught on to the cube's secret, the others onboard the chaser would find out as well. "Got it!" Guorroh exclaimed, jumping from his chair. Leerah and Blithe, who were also on the bridge, jumped a foot out of their seats. Both then turned to him, still in shock. "Got what?" they said in unison. "We found the frequency!" Guorroh said enthusiastically. "Someone had better get Ronnie and Raotah. The Borg are beginning to patch our communication system into theirs. We can send out the message anytime we want, now." Blithe didn't volunteer, so Leerah was the one who went to spread the news. At a look from Guorroh, Blithe stated: "What? We all know the Borg use surveillance cameras, even in cargo holds such as this one." She paused in an effort to calm herself. It didn't work very well. "They know I'm here, Guorroh. And they are curious about me, how I managed to get away from them..." "How do you know?" "I can feel them. And I can tell they feel me too. They don't know who I am, at least not yet. And if they do find out..." "I know, we all do. They would probably want to make you '6 of 15, Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01' again." "What do you mean 'probably'? The separation of a drone so close to the Queen is not something taken lightly, especially one coming from my species. Every time we have ran into one of these damn cubeships, the Borg always want me to return. They are out to get me! It sounds paranoid, but it's true!" "Well, remember, they are out to 'get' all lifeforms in the universe. But you're right, they have targeted you before. I know what you're saying here. Keep this in mind: if any of us wanted so-called safety, we would have remained on our respective homeworlds." "Easy for you to say, they don't have any special interest in you..." Guorroh just shook his head, half grin barely hidden. The Zal'Tahkan sitting across the room from him looked to be the perfect little angel. Primary hair/eye color rich purple, with bright green and blue as the second and third colors. Her hair was somewhat shorter than shoulder-length, which suited her fine since she hated it long. Today she had it tied back in a tight ponytail, a look which also suited her. He had learned through about five years experience that there was only one subject that could instantly rile her. This was it. And the worst part was he hadn't really meant to upset her. Ronnie and Raotah hurried in, Leerah in tow. "What'd we miss?" Ronnie asked after looking at the Zal'Tahkans. "Not much", Blithe answered, "Just a small difference of opinion." Realizing she was on dangerous ground, Ronnie quickly changed subjects. "How will this work, Guorroh?" "Well, the Borg say the storm in combination with the energy field has limited the range of their sensor grid (I think it is bulls***, they never detected the other ship -- if they had they would have chosen it over us). All anyone is certain of is that Chaser 1 was on the other side of the storm when we first entered. They probably are there still. Anyway, we are going to send out an automated message, and hope they get it soon," he paused for a moment, "You and Raotah should be the ones to record it. I personally suggest that in addition to the instructions on how to get us out, you say something along the lines of 'hurry before the Borg change their mind'. That is strictly my opinion, of course." The waiting had begun. The humans had sent the message to their comrades, but how soon message would be received was anyone's guess. The communication systems used to send out the message were far superior to those that would be receiving it. The frequency used was not one of the normal ones -- but the Chaser 2 crew had assured the Borg that Chaser 1's computer had been set to detect 'anything', in the case of something going wrong. But how trustworthy was the team? From the records Captain had downloaded only minutes before the loss of the cube's link to the Greater Consciousness, it had been learned the QS7's had resorted to deception on many occasions. Would this be one of them? Or would they allow the cube to escape? Luiss Trevor almost fell out of his chair when the computer indicated the incoming hail. "Joalee!" he shouted over his shoulder to another room, "Get in here!" Joanna Lee Everett rushed into the room in alarm. "What!? What is it?" "We are getting an automated signal on this /weird/ frequency, audio-only. It seems to be coming from Chaser 2's last known location." "Put it through" Luiss typed in a series of commands. "Chaser 1, this is Veronica K. Blair. We have a problem..." Joalee listened, infinitely relieved. Paeton and Thea were okay. When the message ended, she nodded thoughtfully. "Prepare to send a message on the same frequency." She turned to the rest of her crew. A few minutes later, the cube began to receive a message. The Borg listened to it, then sent it to the ship in Bulk Cargo Hold #1. What disappointing news... "We received your message. I am sorry to tell you (and the Borg) this, but we are on the opposite side of the storm. We are going to have to give it a wide berth, or else get trapped ourselves. This will increase the time it will take to reach you. The journey could take four days, maybe more. Hang in there. We're coming." It took a few moments for this to sink in. Four days? How /wonderful/... Lissa and Boomer seemed to share the sentiment. Both seemed to almost groan at the news. "Great. Just great. Four more days here," Flynn voiced what everyone was thinking. Unknowingly, the sub-collective had the same reaction. It didn't look like the QuickSilver Sevens would cause trouble. The humans (and various other lifeforms) had went back into their ship once repairs were complete. When the scattering field was once more activated, the naggingly faint mental signature faded completely. It didn't look as though anything unexpected would happen. Needless to say, it did look as though the next few days would be extraordinarily boring. Thea Everett was bored, no, /extremely/ bored. Joe was asleep, the dogs didn't feel like playing, as for the adults -- well she would just have to find out. /There's always stuff to do on Chaser 1,/ she thought, hopping down from the chair. She headed for the bridge. "Are you sure? We only brought Boomer and Lissa," came Ronnie's voice. "The sensors don't lie. We have a stowaway," came a second voice, that of Annie, "From what I can tell from these readings, probably one of the cats." Thea walked in. Ronnie looked over at her and smiled, "Come here sweetie, I have the perfect job for you and Joe." *~*~* FIVE DAYS LATER... QuickSilver Sevens Chaser 2 was now outside of the cube. As expected, nothing major had happened in the last five days. Nothing except for a minor disaster when young Thea Everett was 'viciously' attacked upon surprising Dameon the cat. Luckily, the seven-year-old only received a few minor scratches. "Flynn, report," Ronnie called over her shoulder. "The Borg have their tractor beams powered up, probably expecting us to try something sneaky. Chaser 1 is just outside of the storm. They are getting ready to activate their slip-stream drive." "Paeton, prepare to go to full impulse on my command. As soon as we've left the storm, go to warp 3. If they start to follow us, take it to maximum. Annie, hail Chaser 1 and tell them to do the same." Paeton looked up, "Ready" "They acknowledge, they are ready to go." "The Borg are doing the same thing," Flynn reported. "Power-up quantum slip-stream drive," Joalee called out. {The field has collapsed,} reported Sensors. {The QuickSilver Sevens Ship is moving out.} Captain sent the command codes to take the cube out of the storm as well. It hit Blithe. She finally placed the unsettling feeling she had been having for the past week. Now she knew why the sub-collective of the cube had bothered her so. Blithe quickly typed out a short message, sending it to the cube in the last moment before her ship entered warp. She then erased all record of the transmission. Knowing she had successfully masked her communication with the Borg, Blithe settled back into her chair. Once free of the energy field, the sub-collective of Cube #347 re-established its link with the Greater Consciousness. The latter seemed almost disappointed they were still alive. The search for species #8511 was resumed. A moment after the QuickSilver Sevens sped off, a six-word message was received. It said simply: "Your secret is safe with me." THE END Authors Note: I discovered that the first letter of my character's last names listed a certain way spelled out ANGELIC TROUBLE. I found this by accident one day, and deciding it fit them, made it the QuickSilver Sevens' "catchphrase". Asher, Kyle Leeam Norland, Leerah Gaevre, Blithe Everett, Paeton Jacob Lyndsie, Flynnn Vernon Isailah, Guorroh Canner, Ravenne Trevor, Luiss David Raotah Owain, Annie Uppred, Thomas Blair, Veronica Kirsten Lorrelle, Shainah Lilith Everett, Joanna Lee None of the Characters or their backgrounds were created just for this story. Not even Leerah was altered, she was always a Zal'Tahkan hybrid. BorgSpace just provided me with a name for the other species. I came up with the idea for the QS7's about three or four years ago -- before BorgSpace 'premiered'.